New Energy and Environment Digest 新能源与环保参考

Chinese Solar Company Plans U.S. Manufacturing Plant

Posted in Business & Finance, Electricity, Regulations, Renewable Energy by ebalkan on May 14, 2009

shi zhengrong suntech solar US manufacturing plant stimulus texas incentives PV panel largest leader photovoltaic module chinaChina-based solar producer Suntech Power announced plans this week to build a manufacturing facility in the United States to serve the growing U.S. market for large-scale utility projects and to take advantage of government incentives. (more…)

China Solar Subsidies Address Economic, not Environmental, Problems [Updated]

Posted in Business & Finance, Environmental Policies, Renewable Energy by ebalkan on April 1, 2009

solar_panel_sun_6201Last week’s news of a sizable and unprecedented subsidy for solar installations in China generated noteworthy commotion in the market, as Chinese solar companies’ share price soared as investors’ rush to snatch up solar stocks, followed by confusion over the terms of the subsidies, disenchantment at the likelihood of eligibility restrictions, and finally malaise as analysts concluded, having clarified the arcane wording of the measure and considered the time lag likely involved, that it was not the golden ticket for which they had hoped.


Outsourcing Toxic Dumping, in the Name of the Environment?

evan071Does the Obama administration have the will to face the prospect that a low cost approach might be inimical to a low carbon strategy, and ensure careful planning and responsible oversight? Or will US officials, keen on building a strong bilateral partnership, overlook the consequences of a business-as-usual scenario in China, permitting environmental degradation as the means to ambitious political ends?
